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Over the River and Through the Woods
Learning Tutorials

Over the River and Through the Woods

Impress and entertain your friends or family on Thanksgiving day with one of the only Thanksgiving-specific songs/pieces that we know. Learn to play, “Over the River and Through the Woods". Downloa...
The Wonderful Healing Effects of Music

The Wonderful Healing Effects of Music

It is a solid statement, that music can evoke an emotion. It can make you happy or sad, in movies it can set up an important scene. Music also has a healing effect that, for many can help them reco...
Happy Birthday Robert Schumann

Happy Birthday Robert Schumann

On June 8th, we will celebrate 211 years since the birth of the great German composer Robert Schumann, who’s renowned particularly for his piano music, songs (lieder), and orchestral music. Many of...
String Players' Extreme Weather Survival Guide

String Players' Extreme Weather Survival Guide

Being a musician is a journey that can be stressful, for instance making sure that the music is prepared, and that the musicianship is at a high level at all times. The topic that musicians silentl...
Cases That Fit a Bon Musica Shoulder Rest
Buying Guides

Cases That Fit a Bon Musica Shoulder Rest

One of the most beloved shoulder rests on the market is the unmistakable Bon Musica. It's curvy! It's comfy! It bends to fit even the boniest of shoulders! Unfortunately, it's also ENORMOUS! But ne...
Anatomy of the Violin and the Bow

Anatomy of the Violin and the Bow

If you are a current violinist or interested in learning how to play the violin, knowing all of the parts associated with the instrument is usually the first thing to learn. To know the anatomy of ...