The String Cleaner
The String Cleaner
The String Cleaner

The String Cleaner

The String Cleaner

Sale price$19.99

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Violin players perform many bowing and finger movements against the strings which leave behind harmful debris. Bowing deposits rosin and finger movements deposit oils, skin, sweat, and other harmful substances. All of this debris weighs down the string thus dampening the sound.

Through the use of "tension control tabs", The String Cleaner quickly and easily removes rosin at the player's discretion.

The string cleaner should be used after any time the instrument is played. Remember, the only thing that causes strings to "die" are the harmful deposits left behind from your bow and your fingers. Remove this debris after every time you play and your strings will last much longer!
The String Cleaner works for all sizes of Violins and Violas.

Customer Reviews

Fiddlershop founders, Michael Holstein and Pierre Holstein, posing in the Fiddlershop workshop with some of their favorite violin and violas for some of the best workshops


About Us

Fiddlershop is a small family-owned business located in South Florida. Since 2012 we have been serving the string community with quality instruments and accessories. We believe that music and instruments should be accessible to everyone at a price they can afford.