Pirastro Passione Violin E String
Pirastro Passione Violin E String
- Silvery steel
- Ball or Loop end
- Passione strings possess a fascinating diversity of sounds, which allows musicians to alter their tone as desired
- Powerful sound
- Very easy response
- Significantly increased tuning stability vs. traditional gut core strings
- Reduced playing-in time
- Available in 4/4 size
- Thicker strings have a more powerful sound, and the tension is higher
- A thinner string will produce a brighter sound, however this does not mean that the sound is weaker or looses power
- Trying a thicker E-String can sometimes be the solution if your current E-string whistles/squeaks when crossing over to the open E
Available strings
Passione Violin E String .255mm, Ball end, PAS311311
Passione Violin E String .260mm, Ball end, PAS311321
Passione Violin E String .267mm, Ball end, PAS311331
Passione Violin E String .255mm, Loop end, PAS311911
Passione Violin E String .260mm, Loop end, PAS311921
Passione Violin E String .267mm, Loop end, PAS311931
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About Us
Fiddlershop is a small family-owned business located in South Florida. Since 2012 we have been serving the string community with quality instruments and accessories. We believe that music and instruments should be accessible to everyone at a price they can afford.