Mezzo-Forte Carbon Fiber Design Line Viola
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Made in Germany, this carbon fiber viola by Mezzo-Forte is designed and produced using state-of-the-art technology. This futuristic vision produces a quality of sound easily comparable to that of a wooden instrument, whilst offering a far greater presence, projection, and ease of playing.
Viola Specifications:
Body: Two-piece, layered carbon fiber. Strengthened at upper and lower blocks. 2 component lacquer.
Fingerboard: 16.5“ Ebony, 15“ Spruce fiber composite, Spruce fiber composite (injection molded). Dark and hard like ebony. Smooth to the touch and perfectly shaped - and help preserve natural resources. The decisive feature being the fingerboard will not warp - thus making it ideal for use with carbon fiber.
Pegs: Wittner finetune pegs
Bass Bar: Carbon and bonded to the instrument. It gives warmth to the lower strings and helps stabilize the top.
Bridge: Hand-carved professional level bridge from Aubert
Strings: Maker's choice, normally D'Addario Helicore, D'Addario Kaplan, Warchal Karneol. We set up this viola to reach its fullest potential.
About Mezzo-Forte violas:
The Mezzo-Forte design concept is to develop instruments for the 21st Century. Any measurements used in traditional viola making have been transferred in order to help the player feel immediately familiar with the instrument. Therefore switching between wood and Carbon Fiber should not be a problem.
From the beginning to the end, all instruments are made in Mezzo-Forte's workshop in Germany, and they set a high value on quality and making fantastic instruments.
All Mezzo-Forte instruments come with a certificate of authenticity and a unique serial number which makes them easy to identify.
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Fiddlershop is a small family-owned business located in South Florida. Since 2012 we have been serving the string community with quality instruments and accessories. We believe that music and instruments should be accessible to everyone at a price they can afford.