Mel Bay
50 Three-Chord Christmas Songs for Guitar, Banjo & Uke
Guitar, uke, and five-string banjo diagrams are included for the three chords, along with basic accompaniment tips. Transposing and how-to-use-the-capo tips are included for singers. An invaluable sourcebook for teachers and a handy, compact fakebook for performers. A unique collection of timeless songs for the entire family.
- Accompany 50 vibrant Christmas songs with only minimal playing skills.
- Each song includes melody, lyrics, and chords.
- Perhaps the most interesting collection of Christmas songs to be found in print today.
- Interesting historical images are found throughout the text.
- A superb book for getting beginners involved and keeping them involved.
- Only a few minutes of technical training equips any person to accompany all 50 songs in this book.
- Teachers can use this collection as a foundation to teach more advanced patterns and arranging techniques.
- Excellent "mini fake book" resource for all musicians and performers.
Product Number: 21281
Format: Book
Skill Level: Beginning
Pages: 80
Binding: Saddle Stitched
Size: 8.75 x 11.75
ISBN: 0-7866-7716-3
ISBN13: 978-07866-7716-0
Publisher: Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
Date Published: 8/24/2009
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Fiddlershop is a small family-owned business located in South Florida. Since 2012 we have been serving the string community with quality instruments and accessories. We believe that music and instruments should be accessible to everyone at a price they can afford.