Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin
Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin
Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin
Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin
Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin
Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin


Leatherwood Bespoke Supple Violin Rosin

Sale price$73.70

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Leatherwood Bespoke Violin Rosin comes in two recipes, Crisp and Supple, each offering very distinct sound and response characteristics.

Leatherwood Bespoke Violin Rosin Supple Recipe offers a warm and softer sound, consistent traction that feels velvety and rich; this recipe maintains a reliably sharp attack on the string. The supple blend can help generate a more powerful and focused sound from a softer and lighter bow with less ‘bite’.

Supple can also enhance the sounds of a deep / warm sounding instrument by making it sound more resonant. Supple can also ‘soften’ an instrument which is too loud, bright or one-­dimensional in sound.

Customer Reviews

Fiddlershop founders, Michael Holstein and Pierre Holstein, posing in the Fiddlershop workshop with some of their favorite violin and violas for some of the best workshops


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Fiddlershop is a small family-owned business located in South Florida. Since 2012 we have been serving the string community with quality instruments and accessories. We believe that music and instruments should be accessible to everyone at a price they can afford.