Korg CA-50 Chromatic Tuner
A portable, pocket-sized tuning solution. The CA-50: the standard tuner for orchestral instruments, now with even better visibility.
The CA-50 features high-precision tuning functionality and a slim and compact design. The new CA-50’s display is now even easier to read. Long considered the standard in chromatic tuners, the CA-50 offers simple and intuitive operation and a satisfying tuning experience for every instrumentalist.
- The built in microphone works great for all acoustic instruments
- An even more readable display, with a larger note name indication.
- A wide detection range supports tuning for any instrument.
- Calibration function is provided. A4 = 410Hz–480Hz (1Hz steps)
- Marks provided to indicate pure major and minor third intervals.
- Sound Out mode is ideal for ear training.
- Dramatic increase in battery life.
- Reduced stress when using the unit on a music stand.
- Memory backup function and auto power-off function provided.
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Fiddlershop is a small family-owned business located in South Florida. Since 2012 we have been serving the string community with quality instruments and accessories. We believe that music and instruments should be accessible to everyone at a price they can afford.