Mel Bay
Celtic Fiddle Tunes for Solo and Ensemble - Violin 1 and 2
This collection contains 14 arrangements of 22 traditional tunes from Ireland and Scotland in a variety of styles including jigs, reels, hornpipes, slip jigs, strathspeys, waltzes and airs.
The harmonies are written so that various combinations from solo instrument with piano to duets and trios to full string quartet/orchestra are possible.
The violin book includes two violin parts with guitar chords and piano accompaniment. All of the Celtic Tunes for Solo and Ensemble books (Violin, Viola and Cello/Bass) are written as ensemble books, so they can be played as solo books or together as ensemble.
Book contents
The Blarney Pilgrim - The Kesh Jig
Danny Boy
Garry Owen - Merrily Kiss the Quaker
Give Me Your Hand
Guilderoy - Red-Haired Boy
Harvest Home - Chief O’Neill’s Favorite
Irish Washerwoman - Swallowtail Jig
The Laird o’ Drumblair - Angus Campbell
Miss McLeod’s Reel
The Mist Covered Mountain
The Rocky Road to Dublin - Dublin Streets
Scotland the Brave
Sporting Paddy - St Ruth’s Bush
Will Ye No Come Back Again
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About Us
Fiddlershop is a small family-owned business located in South Florida. Since 2012 we have been serving the string community with quality instruments and accessories. We believe that music and instruments should be accessible to everyone at a price they can afford.