As you may already know, China supplies most violins on the market today.
Unfortunately, there's a deep-seated prejudice against products with the common "Made in China" label, including string instruments. But is it warranted? Are Chinese violins crap?

During the last 20 years, Chinese violin makers have stepped up their game. They import wood from Europe, various parts of Asia, or wherever they find high quality Spruce and Maple.
We now know, that in order to get the same quality European made violin; you will have to pay two-to-four times more than the Chinese-made ones. The reason is inexpensive labor.
It takes approximately 300 hours to build a violin. Imagine paying George Smith in Texas $20 per hour to build it for you. That's a $6000 violin! (and that's only the labor cost...)

Luthiers (violin makers) generally charge much more than $20/hour. This is why violins sell for $20,000.00 and up.
Personally, we believe that bench-made Chinese violin for $3000-$4000 matches the sought-after quality and sound, depending on the maker of course. Examples of great Chinese violins include Holstein, Fiddlerman, Ming Jiang Zhu and Scott Cao violins.
Our house brands, Fiddlerman and Holstein are top-notch student to professional level violins. Fiddlershop sets the example in cultivating direct partnerships with some exceptional workshops in China, and the value is simply outstanding!

While other manufacturers are still building quality instruments, they are inflating the costs with advertising and a brand name. With our violins, you are paying for an exceptional instrument; our reviews and customer feedback reflect it.
Thankfully, you don’t need to spend that type of money in order to get a great violin. Thanks, China!
Asa Holstein
Hi Mike!
Thanks for your kind words! Being creative is rewarding, that’s for sure. Fiddlerman has also started doing small repairs and adjustments in violins at a later age, and he loves it. Thanks :)
Hi Mike!
Thanks for your kind words! Being creative is rewarding, that’s for sure. Fiddlerman has also started doing small repairs and adjustments in violins at a later age, and he loves it. Thanks :)
Michael E Carrico
Fiddle Shop,
Your web site has so much inspirations for violinist . I made a few violins but never got settled into a career has craftsman. Repairing stringed musical instruments is much rewarding.
Too bad for those whom never learned a craft.
Thanks Much,
Fiddle Shop,
Your web site has so much inspirations for violinist . I made a few violins but never got settled into a career has craftsman. Repairing stringed musical instruments is much rewarding.
Too bad for those whom never learned a craft.
Thanks Much,